Thursday 15 September 2011

Jom Masak Masak : Kentang Goreng Masak Black Pepper

Hi! This is my second entry. Now, I would like to talk about food and cooking. I'm not so really good and terror in cooking but I just wanna share my recipe. Maybe u all can try it one day. Just a simple recipe. I cooked it tonite.

Here it is, Kentang Goreng Masak Black Pepper

Daging (Boleh guna daging cincang, daging burger-ikut selera)
Bawang merah & bawang putih (diketuk)
Cili api (diketuk,saya suka guna sbb suka pedas)
Lada benggala
Cili merah
Serbuk lada hitam

1. Goreng kentang dan daging
2. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih dan cili sehingga naik bau dan layu
3. Masukkan lada benggala dan cili merah yang telah dipotong
4. Masukkan kentang dan daging yang telah digoreng tadi
5. Masukkan serbuk lada hitam dan garam secukup rasa.

Tadaaaaa! Dah siap!

My First Entry!!

Hola! Hi all!! To the viewer, watcher & reader!

I'm a new blogger and freaking excited of having my own blog! Finally, today I make it become a reality! Hehe. Before this, I'm just a silent reader and follower of others blog. I love reading others blog and that's why I realize why I don't have mine to share my story with the other people out there. I would like to share my story with all of the readers but more to useful information, tips, knowledge and my experiences that can benefit others who reads my blog (perhaps and hopefully). Feel free to leave your comment in my blog (hopefully positive comment).=). I'm just an ordinary person who loves to share the story of my life. I choose to be called as Pemburu Tweety...hehe..coz i like Tweety! Okla, see you on next entry! Tadaaaa!